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第一重境界:昨夜西风凋碧树。独上高楼,望尽天涯路。作为一个小白用户,机缘巧合,你刚刚注册了Github的账号,还不知Git,Push,Pull,Pull Request,Repository为何物。懵懵懂懂,如一个单纯的小孩,来到了满是漂亮贝壳的沙滩,却还叫不出颜色的名字。朋友中只有自己一个人在玩GitHub,在浏览着网页的你,心中还有淡淡的孤独与忧伤。面对着被star过万遍的repositories,关注者以k计的id们,你发出一声长叹:什么时候我才能写出那样的名库,成为那样的牛人。

第二重境界:衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。你创建了第一个repo,用来存放自己写过的小代码们。你创建了 你的,用hexo或jekyll开始了自己的技术博客之旅。第一次pull request,第一次被别人pull request。第一次创建issue,第一次被别人创建issue。你想到了一个idea,在google search和stackoverflow的忠心辅佐下,攻克一个又一个技术难题,实现一个又一个feature,你的开源项目越来越像那么回事。一年有365天,你的GitHub上竟然就有365条打卡记录,无一天中断。别人在感叹,在技术上成长怎么那么难,你反问他:你见过GitHub凌晨四点的样子吗?

第三重境界:众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。感谢时间这个好朋友,你有一天发现,你的followers也是以k计,你新开一个repository就引来了上百个watch。你给Apache贡献过代码,给Tensorflow(深度学习软件框架)实现过feature,给Linux修过bug。你在业界小有名气,很多人都知道你,你也认识很多人,你和你的朋友们在线上线下相遇,觥筹交错,谈笑风生。江湖上都称呼你为大牛,在一年一度的InfoQ北京峰会上,凤凰科技一个带黑框眼镜的长发美女记者问你,“在成长为大牛的道路上,你最感谢谁?” 眼前的这个妹妹好像在哪里见过,你用拇指和食指摸了摸下巴,看着她的眼睛,缓缓说道,“感谢爸妈,感谢GitHub。”

As far as I can see, GitHub users are also experiencing the three levels described in “Poetic Remarks in the Human World” by Wang Kuo-wei.

Level 1: Last night the west wind shriveled the green-clad trees. Alone I climb the high tower, to gaze my fill along the road to the horizon.

As a new user, by any chance, you registered a GitHub account. You dont know what Git, Push, Pull, Pull Request and Repository are. Just like an innocent child, you run into a beach full of colorful shells, but you cant even name the colors. You are the only one among your friends to play with GitHub. Surfing around the webpages, you feel a little bit lonely and sad. Facing repositories stared in 5-digit figure and IDs followed by some k, you sighed, “When can I create a famous repo like that? When can I grow to be a top coder like him.”

Level 2: My clothes grow daily more loose, yet care I not. For you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain.

You created your first repo to store your old naive code. You created and launched your technical blogging journey by hexo or jekyll. Your first pull request, later your first incoming pull request. Your first issue, later your first incoming issue. You came up with an awesome idea, and thanks to Google Search and StackOverflow, you tackled one and another challenge, implemented one and another feature, and your open source project looks just like something. There are 365 days in a year, and we found exactly 365 contribution tiles in your GitHub profile. Others are complaining, “How can it be so hard to grow in tech?” You replied back, “Have you ever seen what is it like in GibHub on 4am?”

Level 3: I sought her in the crowd a hundred, a thousand times. Suddenly with a turn of the head, I saw her. That one there where the lamplight was fading.

Thank to Time, my good friend. One day, you found that your followers are some k, your new repository get 100+ watches on day one. You once contributed code for Apache, you once implemented new features for TensorFlow, you once fixed bugs for Linux. You gained some fame in Silicon Valley. Many people know you, you also know some of them. You and your friends meet online and offline, you drink and cheers, you talk and laugh. In the annual QCon San Francisco Summit, you were interviewed by a blonde journalist, “Along your growing path, to whom do you want to say the biggest thanks?” The babe looks familiar, but you can’t remember. Thought for a short while, you said slowly, “Thanks my parents, thanks GitHub”.

P.S. “Poetic Remarks in the Human World”《人间词话》 is a literature criticism book by Asian Studies Professor Wang Kuo-wei in 1910.

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